Orphan stories chronicle the events surrounding abandoned children forced to navigate life independent of either their biological parents or parental figures. These tales are usually characterized by lost children struggling with issues of past, identity, and emotional security and are often sentimental in nature.
1 in 10 children and young people are separated from their families, abandoned, neglected.
The effects often last a lifetime, creating a harmful cycle that repeats from one generation to the next. Children and young people need someone who is there for them, listens to them, and supports them, no matter what.
In November 2019 I Felicia Ngunza visited Elroi Children’s Home in Kayole/Komarock , Nairobi via invite of a friend. The stories of the children there were touching and I felt I had to do whatever I could to help them achieve their dreams from moral to physical support. Elroi has become part of my family and it is part of my plans to lift them and other orphans and vulnerable children from different parts of Kenya, as high as I can.
Allan who is a total orphan, 15yrs old was rescued at a dump site near Wilson Airport. Their case was reported at Wilson Airport Police Station and an OB number was attained. Allan and his twin brother were living on the streets and so they missed education for a long time. After rescue, they were both enrolled in St. Elizabeth Academy under a scholarship courtesy of Madam Anne the founder and school director. By God’s grace they are doing well. Madam Isabella and Madam Beatrice have taken up guardianship in hosting and parenting roles. Allan is a candidate in class 8 and in two weeks time he will be sitting for his national exams (KCPE).
In collaboration with dedicated partners, like-minded organizations, and compassionate individuals, we embark on a collective journey to weave a tapestry of love that spans communities and transcends conventional boundaries. Our vision extends beyond conventional notions of family, recognizing that love is a powerful force capable of transforming lives. Through strategic initiatives and heartfelt endeavors, we aim to create a world where no child feels abandoned or disconnected. We work hand-in-hand with communities, leveraging resources and fostering relationships that cultivate environments conducive to the emotional well-being of children.
In 2024, the Kenamhope Foundation is not just an organization; it is a beacon of hope, radiating the belief that every child deserves the chance to flourish in the embrace of love and family. Together, let us forge pathways to brighter futures, ensuring that no child walks alone on the journey of life.
I love the work you are doing.
Thank you.
Very proud of the work you have been doing…
Thank you very much, we aspire to do greater things for the people.
Really giving hope
Yes, we are giving hope.